Initiated & Organised

Profanter, A. (2014, November). Kulturen im Dialog/Culture In Dialogo/Cultures in Dialogue. Viertes JungakademikerInnen-Forum in Südtirol/Quarto Forum per Neolaureati in Alto Adige/Fourth Forum for Young Graduates in South Tyrol. Initiator and organiser of this interdisciplinary graduate and postgraduate conference at the Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in cooperation with Amt für Deutsche Kultur, Provinz Bozen.

Profanter, A. (2011, December). Polygyny in Modern Oman. Presentation and film screening at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore e Centro di Ricerche sul Sistema Sud e il Mediterraneo allargato (CRiSSMA), Milano.

Profanter, A., (2011, October). Trends in Higher Education in the Muslim World: Film and Media Analysis. Organisation and Moderation of the international conference at the Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Brixen.

Profanter, A. (2011, October). Kulturen im Dialog/Culture In Dialogo/Cultures in Dialogue. Drittes JungakademikerInnen-Forum in Südtirol/Terzo Forum per Neolaureati in Alto Adige/Third Forum for Young Graduates in South Tyrol. Initiator and organiser of this interdisciplinary graduate and postgraduate conference at the Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in cooperation with Amt für Deutsche Kultur, Provinz Bozen.

Profanter, A. (2010, December). Invited member of the scientific organizing committee on the research network & conference project: “Gender transformations in the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa” launched by CEFAS, The French Centre in Sana’a for Archaeology and Social Sciences, Paris.

Profanter, A., (2010, September). 30th Anniversary Celebration – Fair Trade Shop Brixen & Fair Trade in Italy. Cultures in Dialogue. Forum for Young Graduates in South Tyrol. Book presentation and moderation of an interdisciplinary discussion open to the public in collaboration with the OEW at the Cathedral Square, Brixen.

Profanter, A., & Pitscheider, S. (2009, October). Kulturen im Dialog/Culture In Dialogo/Cultures in Dialogue. Zweites JungakademikerInnen-Forum in Südtirol/Secondo Forum per Neolaureati in Alto Adige/Second Forum for Young Graduates in South Tyrol. Initiator and organiser of this interdisciplinary graduate and postgraduate conference at the Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in cooperation with the OEW, Brixen.

Profanter, A., & Cate, S. R. (2009, October). Women’s Mental Health Issues directly relating to Alcoholism and Addiction in Saudi Arabia. Organisation and Translation of this lecture delivered by Cate, University of Alabama Huntsville, Huntsville USA, at the Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Brixen.

Profanter, A., & Girardi, R. (2009, March). Ware Frau–Auf den Spuren moderner Sklaverei von Afrika nach Europa. Females as Objects–On the Trail of Modern Slavery. Co-organizer and Moderator of this interdisciplinary panel discussion at the Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Brixen.

Profanter, A., & Rice, D. V. (2009, January). Prince Mohammad University–the Rising Jewel in the Sand of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Organisation and translation of this special lecture delivered by Rice, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, at the Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Brixen.

Profanter, A., & Pitscheider, S. (2008, December). CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility–Promise Responsibility. Filmvorführung mit anschließender Diskussion. Presentazione del film con successiva discussione. Discussion following a movie screening. Co-organizer and moderator of this interdisciplinary panel discussion at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bozen.

Profanter, A., & Pitscheider, S. (2008, April). Es funktioniert! Zusammenleben ist möglich. Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema Integration; Funziona! La convivenza è possibile. Discussione sul tema dell’integrazione. It works! Living together is possible. Discussion on the issue of integration. Organizer of this interdisciplinary panel discussion open to the public in collaboration with the OEW at the Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Brixen.

Profanter, A., & Pitscheider, S. (2007, December). Kulturen im Dialog/Culture In Dialogo/Cultures in Dialogue. Erstes JungakademikerInnen-Forum in Südtirol/Primo Forum per Neolaureati in Alto Adige/First Forum for Young Graduates in South Tyrol. Initiator and organizer of this interdisciplinary graduate and postgraduate conference at the Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in cooperation with the OEW, Brixen.

Pitscheider, S., & Profanter, A. (2007, March). Festung Europa–Bollwerk Südtirol. Fortezza Europa–Baluardo Alto Adige. Fortress Europe–Bulwark South Tyrol. Organizer of this professional, interdisciplinary panel discussion open to the public at the Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in cooperation with the OEW, Brixen.

Profanter, A. (2006, December). Lecturing Adventureship in Pakistan. Presentation (invited) at the Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Brixen.

Profanter, A. (2004, November). Pedagogia Interculturale. Intercultural Pedagogy. Presenter (invited) at the Masters for Education and Counselling Professionals in Pre-adolescent Counselling with the Primary Focus on the Prevention and/or Reduction of Discomfort both in and outside of School. Department of Education, Università degli Studi, Republic of San Marino.

Profanter, A. (2004, October). Die Erzieherinnenausbildung auf Hochschulebene–Folgerungen für den Entwicklungsprozess in Deutschland. Teacher Education at the University Level for Nursery School Teachers–Consequences for the development process in Germany. Speaker (invited) at the BAGHR–Conference on New Trends in Academia relating to the Social Sector at the Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Brixen.